Monday, December 20, 2010


Justin turned 28 on Saturday. His birthday wish was to watch the BYU game in his new BYU shirt with no interruptions. So while the girls napped and I did some Christmas shopping, Justin watched his game in peace. That night our good friends the Bakers invited us over for dinner. I made his favorite Oreo cake. Lyvi picked out his shirt and kept it a secret (kind of).
We then walked "natal street" to admire the Christmas lights. I'm sure that was the last thing Justin wanted to do but he's a good sport and goes, with out complaining.
Preston, Lyvi and Hudson Lyvi & Deacon. Lyvi loves this boy. Lately every boy or girl who is younger then her she calls Deacon. She might have a small crush.

I hope Justin had a fabulous birthday because let me tell ya... He deserves it!!

1 comment:

Sylvia Burr said...

Happy Birthday Justin, You are the greatest son in law. I hope BYU won. Love you Sylvia