Sunday, December 5, 2010

December news

First things, first. June turned 3 monthsShe is still a perfect baby. Loves to eat and Sleep!

Saturday Justin's work had their Christmas party. This year it was held at a park where they had food, games, bounce houses, cotton candy, snow cones and more. Lyvi loved every minute of it.Its hard eating with your left hand when you are a "righty"Some of us had more fun... then others. Lyvi and her ballon animal. Too bad we waited longer in line then it lastedSaturday night we enjoyed the temple lights.

Lyvi's favorite part was baby Jesus.

I must include this last picture. I'm sad to see the day she grows out of this dress and shoes...


Sylvia Burr said...

What a great camera! Loved all the pictures especially at the temple. I am with you Lyvi, my favorite thing is the Baby Jesus. I love June's black dress and red shoes.

Dennis and Bonnie Danielson said...

Could there be cuter girls on this planet???? OK the obvious answer is NO... I know, Grandma is a little prejudiced but really. So adorable.