Monday, March 5, 2012

Our Girls trip to Disneyland

My oldest niece Brooke who is 6 and her sister Cami who is 3 had never been to Disneyland. We decided to take a "Girls ONLY trip" and spend the weekend in California. Karen's friend was kind enough to let us borrow her condo in San Diego. We left Friday afternoon and got to San Diego right in time for bed. We woke up the next morning at 5:45am so we could be at Disneyland right when it opened. We got to the park right at 9:00am to find out they aren't opening the gates due to a bomb threat. We couldn't believe it. We sat out front for an hour waiting and hoping they would open the gates. We decided to eat lunch and let the girls play at Chickfila while we wait to see if they open the gates. I think the adults were more depressed then the little girls. They were just thrilled to be together. While at Chickfila I called Justin to tell him  the bad news. He called Disneyland to complain to whoever would listen. When someone finally answered the phone they told him they had opened the gates. Us girls couldn't believe it!!! We jumped in the car and headed back to Disneyland. When we first got there we started with the snowwhite ride. Lyvi was GRUMPY she didn't want to ride any of the rides. I was the mom who was forcing her kid to go on a ride while she was kicking and screaming NO! She was for sure sleep deprived.  
 She was happy to go on the "Tea cups" its her favorite.

 Time for the parade. 
 Which means princesses!! Who Lyvi adores! The smile finally came out...

 Lyvi did go on some big rides only if I covered her eyes. She fell asleep while waiting in line for the Pirates of the Caribbean and slept for the entire ride. She needed that power nap. 

 Teacups again! 
 The girls were all such troopers and stayed out till almost midnight. It started out as a terrible day and ended up being a trip we wont forget!
Sunday we slept in till 8:30! it felt great. We then ate breakfast at Panera. yum. Then made the long drive back home. Hey sister's, lets make this a annual thing! what do you say? 
It was a blast!

 While we were away Justin and June went to church on Sunday and then had dinner at his Mom's. When Bekah gave Justin a heads up that June's Dress had been on backwards.... the whole day including through Stake Conference.

 Hey, at least he put a bow on her. Proud wife moment.


Robynn said...

What a WONDERFUL idea of Girls in Disneyland. I LOVE the little girls Mini Mouse Shirts. I've never seen anything so cute. Did you make those?
Your Totally amazed cousin Robynn

Courtney said...

Yes!!! I think making it a yearly vacation is a GREAT idea!! :)

sylvia burr said...

Thanks Justin for getting us headed back to Disney Land. I loved the way June looks, even if her dress was backward.