Friday, May 27, 2011

Hey Jude

June's theme song is "Hey Jude" but we change "Jude" to "June". We've been singing it to her since birth. Anytime she cries Lyvi will start singing "Hey June." She's getting pretty good at it. Check it out...

Untitled from sarah danielson on Vimeo.


Robynn said...

I LOVE Hey June! Thanks for sharing that darling moment in history. SLY Robynn

Simon Says said...

That is the cutest thing! Lani

Karen Burr said...

Oh my gosh that is priceless! She is so good at it!!!

Hilary said...

Oh my gosh that is so stinkin cute!! I love it!

Dennis and Bonnie Danielson said...

I have watched it so many times it's not even funny...I showed my friend, then today dad called me and wanted to show it to somebody and needed to know how to find it. I told him he could get there from our blog. He said, "we have a blog?" yup...he knows what's going on around here.:). Anyway, she could not be any cuter...go Miss A! Love you.