Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Justin, Lyvi and I celebrated her birthday in Disneyland. She loved the rides mostly Dumbo and the Tea cups.

All she really wanted to do was meet the princesses. There is a show where they teach the girls how to dance, wave and curtsy like a princess. At the very end Cinderella, snow white, and sleeping beauty come out and dance around the may pole.

The moment Lyvi has been waiting for...

She was in HEAVEN!

The next day we ate lunch at "Ariel's grotto" where all the princesses travel around the restaurant to take pictures and chat with each table. Here is Justin and Lyvi waiting for our table.

(Lyvi had her eye on sleeping beauty)

I never seen Lyvi hug anyone the way she was hugging the princesses. (note to self: buy myself a princess dress).

Buzz lightyear ride

Toy story ride

Waiting for the fireworks and the "world of color" show.

It was fun to spend time with just Lyvi but all 3 of us were dieing to get home to June Bug. *Special thanks to Bekah and Tyler & my Mom and Dad for taking such great care of June. We appreicate you guys!


Natalie said...

So cute!! I remember when the Princesses were my idols :) Actually, who am I kidding?! They still are!
BTW I love the 3D glasses.

Courtney said...

The pictures of Lyvi with the princesses are PRICELESS!! So glad you guys had fun!

Sylvia Burr said...

What a great weekend. Disneyland looks so fun. Lyvi will never forget being with all her princess's. Glad you guys made it back okay. We loved having baby June.

Karen Burr said...

I wish I had my Disney movies back so my daughter would even KNOW what a princess is!!!! JK, really I'm just jealous and I tend to take that out on others :) She's one lucky girl!!!